Movie Reviews by Himanshu Das

Friday, October 06, 2006

Click (English, 2006)

Adam Sandler - What can you expect from him? American Pie, American Pie II, American Pie III.... Does the guy grow beyond that or not? Apparently not. In Click, he gets a universal remote control. And what does he use that remote for? To fast forward sexual night with his wife (Kate Beckingsale in an insignificant role) to the point of climax. I mean, how weird can weird get?

Anyway, that apart, the movie is basically the story of Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) , a man constantly sacrificing his personal life for the sake of his career, and feeling so stretched with conflicting demands on him that he just wants the troubling parts to fast-forward themselves. So when he gets a universal remote control, he sets to do exactly that. He fast forwards himself to his next promotion, then next and finds that he has missed whole his life in between. The remote actually controls his life while he watched from remote. And it is the end that he realized that life is all about family and the struggles they face together.

The way Hollywood talks about work-life balance feels anyone who likes his work to feel like a criminal. But if you have to make a statement, any statement, do it with panache, do it with style, do it with conviction, do it with at least some level of sincerity and sense. Click is neither a no-holds-barred comedy nor a sensible message movie, for that matter nothing in between. The best that can be said about it is that it is another Adam Sandler movie.

Recommendation - Avoid
Rating - ✘✘✘


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