Movie Reviews by Himanshu Das

Friday, June 15, 2007

Ocean's Thirteen (English, 2007)

You got group of movie stars to act in the same film and you made a movie which was basically a stylish heist. For some vague reason which defies logic, the movie clicked. That's about the best I can say about Ocean's Eleven.

You should have left while you were ahead. Instead, what you did, you made not one, but two sequels. Bad move!

Ocean's Thirteen seems to be a prime example of the sequel ennui that afflicts Hollywood and which is at its full peak this summer. It offers nothing new, apart from a tired looking Al Pacino. There is a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo about creating artificial earthquakes and magnetrons and doctored dices and what nots. There is a lot of pregnant half-statements and cheeky tricks that characterise Ocean's series.

But there is absolutely nothing new. As you are watching the movie, you feel it is just dragging along. Dragging along for last 3 years.

Is there anything good about the movie? Yes, it shows a fabulous hotel.

Recommendation - Watch it if you have nothing better to do.
Rating -


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