The History Boys (English, 2006)
We are so inundated with English movies from Hollywood that we hardly ever think of UK film industry as a significant one. This month, though, I had the privilege of watching two good movies from England. One was Queen, about which I have written earlier, and one this. Both very English in nature, and nice to watch.
The History Boys is the movie adaptation of a famous West End play by the same name. It traces the preparations of a group of intelligent but undisciplined boys from Sheffield Grammar School preparing from the Oxbridge exam (the exam to get into the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge University). The boys oscillate between the teaching styles of their English teacher, Hector (Richard Griffiths), who has won multiple awards for portraying this role in the play), who teaches for knowledge sake and not for achieving some goal and that of Irwin (Stephen Campbell Moore), a teacher hired specifically by a results-hungry headmaster to get the boys into Oxbridge and who trains the boys to modify their answers, their thinking purely from the point of view of impressing the examiners.
The theme of the movie is wonderful. In this age of achievement and goal-oriented actions, the question of what is education really for is haunting. Its nothing new of course, but it's a pertinent question, nevertheless. Is education supposed to make us better human beings or help us earn more money? I know the answer is both, but when it comes to drawing a line, which side should we lean to? And which side do we actually lean to in real life?
Does the movie convey the theme of the movie? Does it raise these questions in our mind? Yes it does, and to a reasonably effective degree. With good performances from all the actors and a lot of funny moments thrown in, the movie is one of those which takes you to your school days and makes you compare what you are today to what you thought you would be back then (and I am not talking careers here).
The movie has its negative points. The theme of homosexuality is a bit overdone, the literary references, which the movie is full of, are beyond most people not so in-love-with-literature and the movie at times seems dragging. All these put together, however, are but a small dent on an otherwise fantastic movie.
Recommendation - Watch it, if you like this kind of a movie.
Rating - ✔✔✔